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Policy Checklist 

Safety of Minors Policy Checklist (PDF)

Effective July 1, 2016 youth programs are required to adhere to University Policy 1-015 Safety of Minors Participating in University Programs or Programs Held on University Premises. 

This policy was created to provide for the safety and protection of Minors who are participating in University sponsored or co-sponsored programs, or programs operated by non-University entities on University Premises. The policy establishes minimum requirements for any University entity providing programming to minors, as well as minimum requirements for the adults that will be working with youth as part of these programs.

The policy applies to all members of the University community, including all employees, interns, and students, and also to all volunteers, contractors, vendors, Authorized Adults, and other individuals who use University Premises.

All requirements must be met prior to the start of the program and can be subject to audit from The Office of Equal Opportunity. The program is responsible for ensuring that all requirements of the policy are met prior to the start of the program and for the maintenance of all records related to their compliance.

The main elements of the policy remain the same for all programs; however, recognizing that every program operates differently there can be differences in how the requirement is met. Part of the mission of YPPS is to make the policy accessible and easily understandable to program administrators. We have provided a checklist to help guide you through the process of becoming compliant with the policy.

All Covered Programs are required to register their program with YPPS with sufficient time to ensure that they meet policy requirements prior to the start of the program. Generally, one month before the schedule program allows enough time. If there are different programs within a larger program they must be registered individually.

The registration system is beneficial to both YPPS and the Program. It allows YPPS to be aware of all youth programs, as well as creating accurate reporting of data. It allows a program to maintain all their information in one system and track compliance with the policy in one place.

Before registering your program, please ensure you have the following:

  • Determination of whether the program is covered under the Safety of Minors Policy.
    • If you serve minors and for any reason, think that your program does not fall under the policy or if you have any questions about whether your program is covered under the policy, please contact YPPS. As a starter guide, you may refer to “Am I Covered?” section on our website 
  • Departmental Approval
    • Confirm that the program or activity is approved by the appropriate Director, Dean, or Department Head.
  • Authorized Adult Information
    • Compile a complete list of Authorized Adults (Any adult that will supervise, chaperone, or have access to a minor) and be prepared to submit their names and uNIDs (where applicable). If you do not know all the Authorized Adults at this point, you may register a program and add the Authorized Adults at a later date. However, it needs to be completed prior to the start of the program.
  • Risk Management Plan
    • Program registration requires the Program Administrator to describe their Risk Management Plan. The purpose of the risk management plan is to encourage program administrators to consider how they will provide for the safety of the minors in their custody.
    • See our Risk Management Guidelines page for guidelines and things to consider when developing a Risk Management Plan specific to the safety of minors.

Any Authorized Adult working or volunteering for a Covered Program must complete a background check that meets standards approved by the University. The background check must be repeated every three years. The program is responsible for the cost of the background check and ensuring that it is done prior to the Authorized Adult participating in activities related to the covered program.

The University New Hire background check does cover all the necessary information and can be used to fulfill this requirement, as long as it has been completed in the last three years.

Background checks can be requested through your Human Resources Representative. If you do not know who your Human Resources Representative is, you may look that up on the Human Resources website.

Background check guidelines

There are three options for background checks. Guidelines for the appropriate check to request are below.

  • "Campus Staff or Faculty" $19.75
  • "Safety of Minors" – Subsequent Check after three years $19.00
  • "Safety of Minors - Students & Volunteers" $19.00

If the Authorized Adult is a University employee:

Background Check

Has received a University background check within the last 3 years

None needed

Has received a background check more than 3 years ago OR never received a background check

Campus Staff or Faculty

Needs a subsequent background check after 3 years

Safety of Minors


If the Authorized Adult is a student or volunteer

Safety of Minors - Students & Volunteer

Any Authorized Adult, including the Program Administrator, is required to receive training in the Code of Conduct and Reporting Obligations prior to participating in activities related to the covered program.

The training covers mandatory reporting obligations and how to report known or suspected abuse of a child.  Most importantly, the training identifies behaviors that are and are not appropriate when working with minors and calls out red flags for predatory conduct and abuse.  Awareness of these issues can be a powerful tool to prevent abuse from occurring.

The training is provided by YPPS and can be done in-person or online. The multiple options for how an Authorized Adult can receive the training are listed below.

Program-Specific Trainings

If you have a scheduled staff meeting or orientation and would like a program-specific training, those can be scheduled in advance. Contact YPPS to schedule the training for your program.

Online Training

University staff and faculty

Online training is available to staff and faculty using their CIS login and password. Follow these instructions to access the trainings.

  1.  Go to the Bridge site
  2. Log in with your CIS credentials
  3. Click on the middle tab labeled “Learning Library”
  4. The training is located in the section titled “All Others”
  5. Click on the “Safety of Minors Policy Training”

Non-University Authorized Adults and University Students

Online training is available to non-University affiliates and University students through Canvas. How to access and complete the training in Canvas.

Authorized Adults are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Reporting Obligations, as described in the policy and explained thoroughly in the training. 

The code of conduct includes mandatory reporting obligation.  Most importantly, the Code identifies behaviors that are and are not appropriate when working with minors and calls out red flags for predatory conduct and abuse.  Awareness of these issues can be a powerful tool to prevent abuse from occurring.

The guidelines of the Code of Conduct are also for the protection of staff or volunteers, to prevent adults from being in a situation where their behavior may be called in to question or a situation where they could be subject to a false allegation.

The Code of Conduct applies to all adults interacting with the minors participating in an event or program. If you see something that is an obvious or suspected violation of the Code of Conduct, you are required to report it to the appropriate authority.

For more information on Reporting Obligations you may refer to item B of Reporting Obligations.  

A Liability Waiver is required to be signed and kept on file for any minor participating in a Covered Program. The program is responsible for collecting and retaining the waivers. The waivers must include the information on how parents and guardians can report concerns of misconduct in connection with the program. The University has provided a standard liability waiver that are required for compliance. 

*These forms have been reviewed and approved by the University. Should you make any changes please ensure that they are reviewed and approved again by the University.

Liability Forms

Below are Liability Waivers that are required for compliance with the Safety of Minors Policy. These waivers are provided in a .docx format to allow you to modify the document by adding your individual Program and/or Course.

Liability Form - Non-U of U Event On Campus (Word Document)

Liability Form - U of U Program (Word Document)

Liability Waiver - U of U Program - Spanish (Word Document)

Suggested Forms

Below are sample forms that Program Administrators may find helpful when planning for youth programs. These forms are examples and can be edited for program personalization.

Emergency Contact Form (PDF) | Emergency Contact Form (Word Document)

Check-out Form (PDF) | Check-out Form (Word Document)

Medication Form (PDF)  | Medication Form (Word Document)

Computer Use Form (PDF) | Computer Use Form (Word Document)

Photo Release Form (PDF) | Photo Release Form (Word Document)

Incident/Accident Report (PDF)

Training Pamphlet Signature Sheet (PDF)  | Training Pamplet Signature Sheet (Word Document)

Concussion Protocol (PDF)  

Online Conduct Expectations Agreement (Word Document)


Last Updated: 1/17/25